Our Activities
Activities based on the age of the child
In each age group, children are brought throughout the year to experiment stimulating themes that will allow them to discover, experience and open up to the world. The themes always serve as a basis for the development of the educational program and will allow the child to develop his full potential.
adapted spaces for the little ones
Fluid multi-functional open spaces conducive to the blossoming of the senses: creative, scientific and culinary workshop Fab Lab, gym with climbing wall and library;
Garden of discoveries inside the daycare;
Garden of games and outdoor exploration;
private courtyard
A secret, the courtyard of the Jardin William has been designed to give easy access to children outside, including infants who have their exclusive courtyard space!
Combining urban agriculture with gambling, the introduction to botany allows children to discover the food chain. From beans to the plate!
The workshops organized by the organization "Ça pousse!" were designed to be educational while being fun.
« There must be a calm atmosphere, the child must feel that he can safely explore and that he has his place. Always put yourself in his or her place, observe »
fab lab
Le FABLAB, c’est un espace de création conçu spécifiquement pour l’éveil des sens des enfants à travers l’art.
Surplombant le reste de l’installation, la plateforme FABLAB a été pensée pour permettre aux enfants d’expérimenter avec les textures, les couleurs et la matière. Par ailleurs, en plus des projets de bricolage et de peinture, les enfants participent à des ateliers de mimes, imitations, danse durant leur passage au Jardin.
La bibliothèque
Dans le coin lecture aménagé pour encourager l'écoute et la relaxation, les enfants sont initiés à la lecture et à l'écriture. Dès leur plus jeune âge, les enfants sont en contact avec des livres qu'ils peuvent manipuler, lire ou assister au conte.